Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Annual camping/fishing trip in February

Annual camping/fishing trip this year was super wet and a bit hair razing at times. The tides were extremely high this time; then you throw in a tsunami warning, all of a sudden standing out on the rocks was a little unsettling.

Sometimes I felt like I might be sleeping with the starfish rather then in my tent cause of how fast the water would rise and surround where we were fishing, but we managed to escape unharmed.

During our down time we did manage to get in a few games of cribbage to pass the and the weather, even though we did pay a couple hands out in the rain before moving under cover to play.

When the sun finally came out and the seas settled a little bit we were able to go out catch some fish for sport as well as for dinner that night, and they were mighty tasty I might add.

All in all it was a great trip where I caught a lot of fish, had some good laughs, drank some good beer, experience some crazy weather,lost a couple finger prints due to a super hot lantern and this beautiful sunset.

I can't wait for next year!!!!